Sunday, June 11, 2006

Im cursed at the S.H.O.P.

The more that I think about it, maybe thats the wrong title for this post. I cant say Im seriously cursed at Pops, I did have one good cashout about 6-7 months ago, along with a decent cash playing some different variations of limit games just to pass the time on a weeknight awhile back.

But lately I have run extremely bad. That last two times, I have played a loose-tight game, picking my spots to be aggresive, laying back slow playing certain hands trying to trap. Each time I find myself on the losing end using whatever way I decide to play it. I either get outflopped, sucked out on, or just plain outplayed. The entire night im on a semi-tilt, in a state of confusion the whole night, and just plain losing. I hemorrhage chips every time I get involved in a hand.

At one point I lose my two pair to a four to the board flush. I lose my top pair, open ended, good kicker to a turned straight, and then rivered straight flush. I lose my A/K to A/5 again. I lose my pocket 10's to a turned A/J.

I think I might be cursed playing NLHE at Pops place, maybe if they get a dealers choice game going I might win something, but who knows. Im in a state of confusion at the moment. I was told a little while back that I was actually becoming a good player, and to me own account, I was. Ever since that run of good cards I was getting, Ive been getting cold decked, played like crap, or just was plain unlucky.'

Im starting to think all those big wins Ive made were simple luck. Maybe Im just lucky. I dont know how to play. I cant put anyone on a damn hand at any point lately. And when I do, I get looked at like the complete tool that I am. This game sucks, it really, really, sucks.


Blogger @OnAFoldDraw said...

wtf is a loose-tight game?

12:55 PM  
Blogger SoveriegnOne said...

loose-tight= changing gears from loose to tight, and back again.

Im sorry if the punctuation or explanation was bad for you, I think I explained it slightly in the sentences following that description.

10:32 PM  

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